
Link to August 1999 pictures!

WAR STORIES: August 1999

Having deciding to attack the Imperial forces entrenched in Western Vathos, the Rams Head continued to camp about the newly repaired Crusader Citadel in Argoth. A few days later, while making preparations for the assault, a “point of terrible glowing darkness” appeared above the Citadel, spitting soul-chilling winds and terrible lightening. Before anything could be done, several of the Rams Head members were pulled away from Kaleth.
Those that fell victim to this “sphere of infinite darkness” found themselves floating in a gray misty nothingness that later found to be Limbo. For a time, small groups of the Rams Head floated about until they were attacked by “demons”. But these strange creatures were defeated and the Rams Head gathered upon an island in the grayish mists. There Segial (Doug Tabb) explained that they had apparently been the ensnared by a “tangent gate”, undoubtedly another magical attack by the Empire. But it was either poorly cast or had insufficient power and thus was out of control. It was then that the Rams Head met their host upon the island, an enigmatic merchant named Ezrik (Alex Gray).
   Ezrik informed the Rams Head that they were in Limbo, near a city called Neverwhen. He explained that Limbo was the gray void that separates all the possible worlds and Neverwhen is were souls “lost in Limbo” gather for eternity. Fortunately, all the members of the Rams Head gave the city a wide berth. Ezrik explained that through his powers of Tarotmancy, he could travel through Limbo to trade on various worlds. When he noticed the plight of the Rams Head, he used his powers to create the island upon which they stood.
   Ezrik could normally transport others through Limbo, but only two or three at a time. With over thirty members of the Rams Head present, it would take far too long for Ezrik to send everyone home. Worse yet, Ezrik informed everyone that the longer they stayed, the harder it would become to go back. However, there was another possibility. Ezeck, ever the merchant, offered the use of his services. The Tarotmancer had a number of cards representing different people, places, and things. For 50 gold each, he could send an expedition to what was pictured. He also offered to pay 50 gold to anyone who would go through the cards and recover items for him to sell later.
   This offer spurred a confusing riot of activity by Rams Head members, with expeditions literally going off in all directions. Andor the Crusader (Rob Wilson) led a party including Kayla (JoAnne Ciszewski), Zebadash (James Citta), Esmay (Lis Shoenberger) and the Dainite Priestess Mina (Corrie Hrubes) off to save a cursed temple. To their dismay, they discovered the place was the abode of a nameless evil god and learned that blood-drinking babies were the least of the abominations there. The expedition eventually returned, but lost Mina in the process.
Another expedition was led by Sebastian Poe-Kerrigan (Brian Curley) to find a knight from a non-magical world. Though Ezrik warned that his friend the knight was probably dead, the expedition set out in search of him anyway. Kerrigan found the knight’s grave, and over the protests of fellow party members such as Drea (Lori Ralston) the corpse was recovered and returned to the camp outside Neverwhen. Kerrigan explained that his intention was to resurrect the knight so that he could help in the war against the Empire. But when Ivan (James Silverstein) discovered that the knight’s soul was resting in the paradise of its faith, the idea of resurrection was rejected.
   Malachi (Jason Rownd) organized a group to go after a spell-book. However, the card for this expedition failed, and the party members found themselves as ghosts amongst the others upon Ezeck’s island. When this was discovered, another card was used to send Malachi’s group to a new place from which they could return in phase with everyone else.
   Still others decided to adventure without the benefit of company. Despite warnings from Ezrik about not wandering out into the mists, Stammel (Dan Grendel) created a duplicate of himself and did just that. He promptly fell unconscious and did not rouse despite all of Gwen’s (Kelly Jordine) efforts to make him do so. Ivan summoned a beautiful spirit to go in search of Stammel, but it turns out the spirit was a succubus (Eileen Malony). Both Ivan and Stammel had to do a “favor” for the creature in exchange for Stammel’s safe return.
The priest Simon (Bob Hollister) also stepped into the mists while Segial, believing he had traveled through Limbo before, summoned a “gate” and he too vanished into the cloudy gray depths. This prompted Korinth (Dave Simkins) to lead an expedition through a card to “The Hunter”. After being paid for his services, the Hunter sent Korinth’s party after Simon while he went after Segial himself. Simon was rescued from a strange and unsettling world where people wore clothing called “geens” and the guards were blue-uniformed men wielding non-magical hand-cannons. Segial appeared in an alternate Kaleth, where the Empire had won the war. As a “great and powerful mage”, he lived there for six months (his time) in the lap of luxury before the Hunter retrieved him. Segial returned to the Rams Head in better attire and with more “interesting” things in his bag.
Meanwhile, Reynn (Rob Nicholls) finally showed up at the island from the gray mists of Limbo. Upon learning the nature of the situation from Caladyn (Stan Laff) he organized an expedition to go through a card to see an Oracle. With Gehren’s warrior-priest brother Orim (Mike Skyehorse) Charleston (Dan Silver) Paxton (Jason Herr) and the healer Gweneth (Melinda Theilbar) Reynn met with the tattooed Oracle called Omen in a circle of stones. Omen agreed to consult the spirits in order to find out how the Rams Head could all go home. Reynn and his party defended Omen from unfriendly spirits while he did this. Afterwards, Omen informed them that they would need the help of an extremely powerful mage and a huge ransom in order to get home. He also said that their world was rapidly approaching a crossroads; he unfortunately could not or would not be more specific.
   Reynn’s party returned and informed the rest of the Rams Head of what they had discovered. Ezrik had a card picturing a mage he said was extremely powerful; Stammel and Caladyn went through to meet with him. Korinth led another expedition for Ezrik and returned with a silver flute. Zebadash and others went in search of a bracelet, but found only mist. Tabitha (Cindy Busch) and Swift (Rich Gray) went to a storeroom for needed supplies, after which Swift began ransacking the place in search of treasure. And Esmay (Lis Shoenberger) took a group in search of an item called the Magician’s Chalice.
During this time several strangers appeared at the Rams Head. One was a young apprentice named Pip (Dawn Nystul) who had been flung into Limbo by a wayward spell. Caladyn agreed to take the boy under his wing.
Another stranger was a woman named Stranee Adeen (Corrie Hrubes) who apparently was a Limbo-traversing merchant like Ezeck. She accepted services as well as gold, for after spending a short time with her out amongst the bushes, Kerrigan was in possession of a Healing potion. It was at this time that Segial started the rumor that Stranee was actually undead.|
   Later a third stranger appeared. Described as being of “indeterminate character and bathing habits”, this individual introduced himself as Thresh and was interested in buy various body fluids “for the collection”. Undoubtedly swayed by the idea of the ransom that Omen spoke of, several members of the Rams Head sold him samples of their saliva.
Caladyn and Stammel returned from their meeting. They reported that the mage would help them return to Kaleth using the remains of the portal that brought them to Limbo. His price was a collection of five stones in the possession of Ezeck.
   Ezeck, who until this time had been a gracious host, became a hard-core bargainer. He explained that the mage had been seeking those stones for half a century and much bad blood existed between the two of them. Ezrik would accept no less than 200 gold or a permanent magical item for each stone. When asked about accepting service in lieu of payment, he gravely replied that he did not think anyone would agree to the services he would require for a stone.
Reynn set about gathering the required ransom, but found that after paying for the previous portals, many were loath to part with what little wealth remained to them. However, some did offer up their last gold piece or even their most treasured magical item. Faolain (Barb Laff) much to the annoyance of Reynn, got the exchange off to a start by trading six months service for the stone called Justice. Gold, platinum, gems, and jewelry all went to purchase the stones labeled Sobriety, Truth, and Focus. Korinth traded a non-magical hand-cannon from the strange world for the fifth stone, called Unity.
Stones in hand, Caladyn and Stammel returned to the mage to begin the process of getting the Rams Head back to Kaleth. Meanwhile, Segial and Stranee developed a liking to one another and began questioning people about their opinions regarding successful relationships.
    Also during this time, Ivan led an expedition to complete a personal quest… delivering a message to the long-missing Volo, first Innkeeper of the Rams Head Tavern. To his shock and horror, Ivan found the still-living heads of Volo and Drexus Shendari being tortured by the Black Gatekeeper, Gaelen (Dawn Nystul). Galen agreed to release Volo and let Ivan deliver his message, in exchange for Ivan’s life. Ivan agreed and was able to put Volo’s soul to rest. Galen then summoned Sebastian Kerrigan to her side and called due a debt of service he had made with her during her last visit to the Rams Head. Galen handed him a nameless baneblade and ordered him to kill Ivan, which he did. The other members of Ivan’s expedition returned his body to the Rams Head in Limbo.
    Caladyn and Stammel returned, announcing that the mage was preparing the necessary spells and that the Rams Head’s remaining time in Limbo was hopefully short. At this time, Esmay’s expedition returned, sorely battered and beaten. When Reynn asked about the Chalice, Esmay replied that they had left it to “the vampires”. Reynn felt it was unnecessary to question her further.
    After this, it was discovered that Ivan was beyond even Alejandro’s (Jon Marcus) ability to resurrect, since the baneblade had destroyed most of his soul. The Rams Head had a card from Ezrik that led to a temple of great healing power, but no funds left to pay for Ivan’s resurrection. But Segial provided a strange device from his bag, rumored to be a Chronolabe, that served as payment and Ivan was indeed restored.
    With that, the bulk of the Rams Head returned through the “tangent gate” to almost the exact time and place from whence they left, taking Pip and Stranee Adeen with them. Faolain stayed behind to fulfill her oath of service to Ezeck, while Reynn and Simon stayed to have the Tarotmancer make certain cards. Reynn intended to have Ezrik do a portrait of him, so that trade could be established between the two wily merchants. Simon, on the other hand, desired a portrait of his god Ammagon. Apparently, Simon had questions that he desired to ask of his god directly.


We are...almost. Stronghold `99 promises to be even bigger and more spectacular than last year, but we need your help. Planning and plotting is well underway, but there’s one more “p” we need to maximize our insidious plan – players. Those of you who are planning to attend need to let Dawn know as soon as possible. Obviously, the more the merrier, and to that end we need you to beat the bushes for new players, or old one’s who haven’t been around in a while, that want to enjoy the fun with us. Stronghold is begin enough to fit as many players as we can throw at, so start recruiting now.
    The other thing we need is volunteers, not only for all or part of the session, but for before it as well. We’ll need help gathering props, making costumes, devising and constructing traps...uh, entertainment for the event, as well as in areas we’ve only begun to think about. If you’ve got time to help out please let Dawn know as well.
    STRONGHOLD `99 is at the Stronghold fortified manor house in Oregon Illinois. It is an overnight event beginning on Saturday, December 11th and continuing on through the afternoon of Sunday, December 12th. The site fee is expected to be $40, which should include most if not all food as well as bunkhouse style lodging.


You’ve probably noticed the Chronicle is a little short this time.
    Well, there’s no Rumor Mill (you’ll get enough gossip in-game) but there are also no Points of View. Why? We didn’t receive any for this issue. Its been said by many players that the Chronicle is the one way they’re able to stay in touch with everything that’s going on in the game. Well, the only way everything that’s going on in the game is going to be in the Chronicle is if you put it there. Rob “martyr” Nicholls was kind enough to volunteer to pick up the responsibility of putting together the War Stories section every month, but we need more people to pitch in. We could use game-relevant poems, (very) short stories, character profiles, points of view, or pretty much anything related you thing other players would find interesting.
    So please, pitch in. Let Tom ( know what you are interested in contributing, and you are on your way.


We love the Hollywood House, especially its new floor, but we are still actively looking for new and exciting locations to hold the Gateway game. We’ve been looking for a while now, and though we’ve found one or two interesting locations (read: expensive) we need more options. So, since simple begging hasn’t worked we’re going to resort to bribery – if you find a location that we use in a game we’ll give you Karma (the cooler the place the more Karma you get) and if the place is really cool we may even kick in an extra special gift or two (Wanna magic sword? Special power? Now’s your chance!) Ain’t we shameless?
    Now there’s no excuse. Find a place. Get stuff. It’s the American way.


...for the August 1999 Session -

Ivan (James Silverstein)
Segial (Doug Tabb)
Caladan (Stan Laff)

And your favorite NPCs (in multiple roles) for the second month in a row were Dawn Nytsul and Corrie Hrubes

Congrats all!

This edition of the Gateway Chronicle was created by:

War Stories – Rob Nicholls
Chronicle Logo
Doug Tabb
Layout, Production, and additional writing
: Tom Dowd

The Gateway Chronicles Staff

Creator and Gamemaster: Alex Grey (
Gamemaster, blah, blah, blah. :
Tom Dowd (
Game Coordinator:
Dawn Nystul (
Archivist and Master of his Domain:
Dan Grendel (
Tom Dowd (
Doug Tabb (
Food Coordinator
: Kelly Jordine (

Gateway Chronicles (c) 1999 Alex Grey