June 1998


Thank you - thank you - thank you.
    The last session was a benefit for Crusade, my latest RPG. It was very successful and was a big help. What's more - it was a lot of fun.
    For those of you who couldn't make it we played the "Return to Cormorand" that has been coming for a long time. The last time our heroes visited the ruined city of Cormorand the Arch Fiend of Corruption tricked them into believing that they had bested him when they had actually failed. Kayla was captured and replaced with a vile doppelganger that caused all sorts of mischief before it was discovered and destroyed. As soon as her friends realized she was a captive of the Archfiend they organized a massive expedition to go in after them.
    The session was essentially one long expedition that was only a part of a larger expedition that had begun several game days before we started playing. From the start of to finish the game was a traditional dungeon crawl. Not my usual cup of tea but I figured my guests would enjoy a change of pace.
    There were special rules for time passage and fatigue so adventurers were forced to rest or face exhaustion. We also played around with the physicality of the game, requiring groups to carry adventuring equipment which included lanterns, satchels weighted with cinder blocks and the proverbial 50 feet of rope. Players circled the Hollywood House to simulate time spent travelingTHE through endless tunnels and they were subjected to stunts such as crawling under chairs to simulate narrow goblin tunnels and swinging from the playground equipment to simulate a particularly dangerous gorge crossing.
    All of these special rules were experimental and I wasn't sure if they would work out but everyone played along and there was very little grumbling. On the whole I think its safe to say that it paid off. It was really neat to be able to walk around in the kind of environment most of us have played in tabletop form hundreds of times. Seeing someone on guard duty over his sleeping comrades was cool and I had the singular pleasure of watching Kevin and David wriggle through my gauntlet of folding chairs.
    I don't have a War Stories section for this Session because I have been so busy with Crusade that all of the anecdotal details of the last game have slipped my overtaxed mind. Suffice it to say that the expedition was a success. After hours of struggle the adventurers reached the lair of the Arch Fiend and somehow Ock the Ogre managed to answer the villain's challenge, wining Kayla's freedom.
    Joanne and David have been E-mailing each other about the subsequent encounter between Kayla and the Gatekeeper at Fallow Spire. It was so cool that I have asked them to allow me to reprint it for all of you. I thought reading it would help give all of you who participated in Kayla's rescue a sense of closure.    
    Once again - thank you all for your support.


The Duchy of Argoth – Duke Claridge
One year ago, it seems that everyone who had anything interesting to say about the Argoth nobility were talking about one of three things. Those in the know were noticing that Duke Claridge was increasingly having less and less to do with the functions of state in Argoth. They also noticed that a great fascination with arts and knowledge had caught on in all of the courts of Argoth from largest to smallest, wealthiest to poorest. There seemed to be no end to the thirst for scholarship and art. Rumors were also spread far and wide that the aristocracy of Argoth was flirting with the new religion, pantheism, and that the decadence of art and sciences as well as the duke’s support of the crown is based on that connection.
    Now, only a year later, we find members of court continuing to speak of the ineffective Duke and the insatiable love of art and scholarship, but the nature of artistic and scholastic pursuits in Argoth have taken a noticeable turn back to the Church of Dain. The study of the human form, which has always been a strong theme in Dainitte art, has returned to prominence both in portraits and in studies of the body in motion. Scholars have turned to the Dainitte classics and to Theology, making it a centerpiece in their curriculum. Most nobles speak openly of their loyalty to the Church over the Crown, despite the Duke’s persistent support for the Highlord. And, most significantly, even the parlor and back stair talk about the noble's flirt with pantheism is seen to be the boorish attempt at fabricating titillation with no basis in fact. Even the talk of the Duke's interests has turned from his fictional penchant for paganism to his equally fanciful fascination with young maids.

The Duchy of Evangar – Duke Montrose
Where hast fled the Winterborne might? Once thought to be socked securely in Evangar’s high hills, the former power of Winterborne seems instead to have dissipated into the winds. The political void that has been left has yet to be adequately filled. Duke Montrose, thought more dedicated to the futures of Winterborne than High General Morgan Winterborne himself, has found himself ruling vassals who can together agree on nothing. Evangar is a place of radicals practically screaming for a charismatic presence to appear and moderate what could become a series of horrific disputes. Floundering helplessly in local rule and in some places near anarchy, the power of the Duke is drying up. Unlike in Argoth where the increasingly powerless duke is bolstered by a highly stable and conservative collection of lesser nobles and a unified faith in the Church of Dain, there is no such unanimity, even less security and the politics edges toward more toward radical extremes monthly. More than one group has been seen training armies on those high Evangar hills.
    Interesting, the tales of rising Pantheism may have more truth to them in the marbled halls of Evangar then they do in Argoth (and perhaps the nobility of these two Duchies are more alike than they prefer to believe.)

The Duchy of Thallarin – Duchess Maegra
If it isn’t one problem it is another. Duchess Maegra has been lauded publicly and broadly for her talents and connections that pulled Thallarin soundly out of the depression where they rested before and after the Ascension war. Even her rivals did not fail to accept that her successes were quite beyond expectation. However, her two most notable allies have had a very difficult time in the last year, and their difficulty has brought a new round of tension to the duchy.
    No one seems to know exactly how it started, but there was bickering between some wood elves and woodsmen of Thallarin. Soon afterwards there was a brief bout of fighting between elves and the people that bordered on them. Ultimatums and requirements were bandied about and it began to look like the situation could not get any worse, and then it did. Wood Elves attacked and slaughtered a lord’s manor, killing dozens and maiming their small child. Maegra’s response was swift, sending her personal cavalry to keep border guard on the region and sending a new set of demands to the forest. Communication continues to be impossible, and what was once n open land protected from harm by Thallarin and wood elves in community has become a killing zone where none dare enter lest they be chased by cavalry or skewered by Elven arrows. In the middle of this mess comes the Wheel, which the Duchess serves and which many claim to be the true ruler of Thallarin. Be that as it may, the druid’s ancient alliance with the elves seems in the matter of months to have completely dissolved. While Maegra is torn between wanting to support the alliance with the Elves and her duty to protect the lives of her people, the druids are stricken by their own inability to help either faction. It is widely held that just three years ago when the Elven people supported Blacksteel with their arrows and their lives, the Wheel could have mobilized to have this situation resolved within a fortnight. Now, more than a year into the quarrel, the druids and Duchess Maegra seem to have all but run out of options.

The Duchy of Vathos – Duke Vamadrexus
No one benefits more from peace, or from someone else’s war, than the merchants. Peace within Vathos has led to nearly complete stability and constant economic growth within the Duchy. Moreover, the increasing tension within Evangar and Thallarin, and the increase in interest in purchasing weapons and armor, and the materials to make them, has provided Vathos with yet another economic boon. It seems that no matter how much money the companies of Vathos make, no matter how large they get, there continues to be more room for expansion, more profits to be made and more room for competition. Nevertheless, it is not the arming of Evangar and Thallarin but the close trade alliance with Zurek that has driven the market forward.

The Duchy of Zurek – Duke Legarre
What is there to say about Zurek? The people of Zurek love the Prince Jurel, and now the people of Zurek shower the same affection on his successor, Legarre. It is said that the somewhat reclusive Legarre hides for days in the interior of his castle because each time he is seen at a window a thundering acclaim rises from the streets where passersby watch, hoping for a quick view of their Duke. Let’s not mistake the situation, however, for the return to Zurek of the less than shy Prince Arthon Jurel elicits cries which some say can by heard a county away.
    All hero worship aside, there is very little to recommend Legarre as an excellent Duke, but there are two factors that work together to make that an asset, not a deficit, for the Duchy. Zurek is blessed with a preponderance of experts in all matter from politics to trade. And, fortunately, Garit Legarre’s modesty leads him to give those experts plenty of freedom to do what they know how to do best. It is perhaps not the safest method of rule, but so far it seems to have worked well for the Duchy. If Arthon Jurel manages to run the kingdom that way, I think the Dukes will have nothing to fear from his ascension – and if that is the case, I can imagine no transition of power from Highlord to Highlord which would be as seamless.


Phantor is on vacation so this month's rumors are brought to you by his cousin Mantor, who is a lot like Phantor, but doesn't share his flair or his tendency to refer to himself in the third person.
    A number of lesser land barons of Evangar have been spending evenings at the local taverns discussing at length (and quite loudly) the heroic exploits of "Sir Swifty." Drunken toasts have been made long into the night and enthusiastic (and equally loud) discussion of how the "real Swifty" must be knighted immediately in the name of the fine dramatic honor of his comedic namesake.
    Robin Goodfellow's latest play, which sings the praises of King Blacksteel in dramatic fashion, is a tremendous flop! Before leaving for an ill-timed journey off-continent, Goodfellow started the play on its opening run in Evengar where it was initially well received. The nobility closer to Blacksteel who did not wish to rouse his Majesty's ire, however, apparently feigned this initial response, and the production was mocked and booed beyond the safety of the royal city. Before he departed for Kellar, Robin saw to it that the mortal remains of Gregor Rhys were finally laid to rest. After years of conjecture Robin finally recovered the corpse of the fallen hero. Many of the Kingdom's best and brightest attended the ceremony including every living Knight of the Order of the White Rose and the woman who was to have been his bride.
    Bax has recently appeared before the high priests of the Pantheists speaking in support of the reintegration of a "lost god" in the church. Bax was, unfortunately, apparently refused and sent on his was (as delicately as possible for a man of his power and position). Immediately after Bax's grudging exit, however, the High Sanctuary was struck down by an earthquake which did enormous damage and cleaved a great fissure between the alter of Valdar (Bax's patron) and those of the other deities. The priests (mostly unharmed) are said to be reconsidering.
    The Champion of Mordekar has been seen frequently in the villages near the once-cursed Cormorand. It is known that before his apparent death and resurrection, Slayer had taken a wife in that region. Perhaps he is now rekindling that union.
    At one time the Du Vallier family was a common source of gossip. Where are they now? These days we only hear talk of Lady Rhianna. Well, rumor has it that their illustrious and rumor filled past is not entirely behind them. Word has it the entire Du Vallier clan is busy hiring bounty hunters and spies of all sorts to track down the whereabouts of their family embarrassment, Rhys Du Vallier. What has the naughty boy done this time? Perhaps it has something to do with the large amounts of money he has been offering to adventurers looking for work.
    What good can one say about a Legion of the Damned member? Moorkoth supposedly walked away from the Legion several years ago, and since then he has been walking Kaleth unmolested. Unmolested? Where are the heroes of old? Where is our champion against the Damned? Recently, Moorkoth has been seen often in the company of several important persons in the adventuring community including the High Elf hero Kithkirian and the Gatekeeper of the Ram’s Head Inn. It is rumored that even Captain Grey shared a meal with the man. By far the strangest report so far has been a sighting in Zurek of Moorkoth, the Kayla Dwarf-Friend and an as yet unidentified nun of Dain. Perhaps Moorkoth seeks salvation after all.    
    Moorkoth has been spending a lot of time in the temples and holy places of Kaleth. Not restricting himself to just one, he has been seen in places holy to Druids, Pantheists and Dainittes alike. Is he truly seeking redemption, or is there a more sinister plan?
Not to put too fine a point on it, but don't Hunter and Liam make a cute couple? How long before the one tells the other about that nasty little secret they've been hiding all these years? Just wondering...
    Shortly after their return from Cormorand, Turan and Caladan traveled to a Danite monastery in Evangar. The word is that Turan was seeking religious seclusion. Their stay, however, was a short one as they were expelled from the monastery only a few days after their arrival. Phantor's sources say it was because a young lady was seen departing from Turan's chambers while he slept. Others, however, say it is because Caladan accidentally set the chapel on fire.
    How does he do it? Despite his refusal to turn in his Inquisitors robes for the Lightbringer’s vestments, Kedrik has been rising more rapidly than any could have expected through the ranks of the Inquisition. While still one of the newest Torchbearers, rumors suggest that some wish to anoint him Justicar. What does this mean? Perhaps only that the Inquisition has won their political bout with the Church, and one of their heroes is reaping the rewards.
    Kedrik appears to be spending much of his time examining the interests and occupations of some of the Church’s most prominent and well-respected members. Is there so little evil in the land that the Inquisition must waste their time in frivolous pursuits, or is something far more insidious at stake here?
    The normally even-tempered Andor has been witnessed a number of times arguing with other Crusaders. One Crusader in particular, sporting bruises and a broken nose, has been spending days in the Grand Cathedral of Argoth praying for Andor's troubled soul. (When asked about his injuries, he refuses to comment.)
    A Thallarin outrider watching the border of the Elf Wood reports seeing a White-garbed figure approaching the wood from the outside. The outrider rode toward the wanderer and yelled out a warning before noticing that the man was an Elf. Terrified, the young outrider drew weapons and prepared for an attack, but with a bow and a smile, the Elf soothed his fears. The Elf continued into the forest and the outrider returned home to report. After some discussion, the Captain reported up the chain of command that the hero Kithkiran may be in the forest, and perhaps a resolution would be forthcoming.
    The High Elf hero and Blademaster is taking student, or at least so it appears. Perhaps he is simply looking for the next "Fool" now that the previous one seems to have moved on. One rumor has is that the new student is none other than Hunter, but yet another has the student as being Kantr....
    Malachi, after scrambling hither and yon across the realms, has abruptly gone into a seclusion, perhaps pouring over the various scrolls and tomes he's been procuring from odd places these past months. It is said that the sorcerer has been seem in the company of many known and suspected members of the Cabal. While not unusual in itself, he does seem to be receiving audience with many mages who have refused the petitions of others.
    Rumor runs rampant that during the fight with the Archfiend beneath Cormorand the usually well respected Commander Owl lost her nerve. In fact, after contracting some of her troops to Justin Swift she left them in the hands of one of her lieutenants and disappeared.
    While on the subject, Justin Swift reportedly recruited two armies and took them into Evangar for "training." One of them was Commander Owl's, and the other was under the command of Lord Captain Korinth of Thallarin, who is not only tied by blood to King Blacksteel but is a Panthiest Priest. What is going on in the hills of Evangar??
    It's being whispered increasingly across the realms, that Tyler Melwei is cursed. Early talk of healing potions she created being (or perhaps mysteriously becoming) peppered water, have been supplemented by rumors that many whom she has had dealings with in the past are turning up dead; brutally murdered.
    Perhaps no one told me, but isn’t young Piers of Vathos known far and wide as bad luck? Well, reports from southern Evangar suggest that he led a small party up a mountain. A few days they returned, much colder and a little wounded, but otherwise well. Perhaps the lad’s luck is improving.
    Piers has been traveling Kaleth selling marvelous glasswork. Rumor has it that his skill is insufficient to produce such marvelous pieces. Some insist that he is selling goods stolen from his former employer in Vathos. True or not, people still seem willing to buy.
Who said dwarves were only mercenaries? Some seem too political, at least insofar as their own gain can be seen. It is said that after his time representing Dwarven interests against the Vathos Mining Cooperatives, he has turned his attention to extending rights of the Dwarves to the mines and mountains elsewhere as well.
    Another baby? Yes, it’s true, Countess Rhianna Du Vallier is pregnant again, and by all reports her husband is ecstatic. Congratulations.
    And closing on a sad note, word comes from Evangar that the mother of the dear departed Count Christopher Skye has passed away. What makes this though tragic news worthy of this column is the fact that Skye's Last Will and Testament which had been missing since his death has turned up in his mother's personal effects. Apparently the poor woman could not bring herself to believe her son was dead and hid the document all this time. Without the Will, the dispensation of the Skye Estate has been quietly in turmoil since Christopher's death, preventing second cousin Nicholas Skye from fully becoming Count of Skye. On top of all that, rumor has it that the Will contains specific instructions regarding its reading and enactment and stipulates that it be presented publicly for the first time in front of the regular attendees of the Ram's Head Tavern. And since Evangar law requires that the Last Will and Testament of all Barons and Counts of that Duchy be read by the reigning Duke there should be quite an interesting gathering occurring in the very near future...


You’ve been waiting for it, so here are the winners from Session 13...

Kobar (Rich Schaufuss)
Risisin (Dave Simkins)
Gretchen (Margaret Landreth)

NPCs— Rob Nicholls, Kevin Stein, and Philip Kelley.

And for Session 14...

Okk (Aaron Loeb)
Kithkirian (Chad Brinkley)
Catherine (Lori Ralston)

There were no NPC winners for Session 14 (probably because there were no NPCs….)


This time we’re going to talk about Check Out and Between Time. We’ve touched on these subjects before, but since there seems to be some confusion about what needs to be done and by whom its probably best to revisit the subject

At the completion of a Session, all players receive a Check Out form. Please fill out this form completely (including your name just in case!) and place it all your money, equipment cards, proxy plots, etc. in the envelope you received at the beginning of the game during Check In. Ultimately, this envelope will go to Dan “Flake” Grendel (or whom-ever is handling Check Out) BUT DON’T GIVE IT TO HIM. First, go and talk to your Storyteller. If your Storyteller is not present, then give it to Dan, otherwise take it to your Storyteller.
    Go over what is on your sheet with your Storyteller. Give him your impression of the game. Tell him if you did or didn’t have fun. Talk about what your character did during the Session. Go over each of the Proxy Plots your character has (including those from previous Sessions) and talk about what was done with them and/or what you plan on doing. Talk about anything that your character learned or did in that game that’s going to impact what you do in the future. Talk about your current Subplots, specifically regarding whether or not anything from the Session implacted them. Lastly, talk about what your character is going to be doing during the Between Time before next Session. This doesn’t have to be the final discussion, but it should serve to give you and your Storyteller an idea of what you’re going to be doing. You can give him final word on your plans later, but by talking to him now you’re giving him time to get his mind rolling on the subject.

Between Time
For the record, Between Time occurs between Sessions that your character plays in. So, if you played in Session 13, missed 14 (shame on you!), and then played in 15, you are due one Between Time. At any given time your character can only be owed one Between Time. Between Time exists for two purposes— to handle and resolve the spending of experience, and to handle and resolve certain between Session actions or activities the character wishes to attempt. Experience spending aside (simply e-mail BOTH your Storyteller and Dan Grendal the info), Between Time activities consist of research, travel, incantation, alchemical, or enchanting tasks, contact with certain NPCs, etc... Depending on how much time your Storyteller has, some Between Time resolutions will be more extensive than others. The exchange between Risisin and Kayla reproduced in this Chronicle is an example. Its also fairly typical of a narrative Between Time. In this particular case, a number of the Storytellers (those impacted by events) got together online and discussed what might happen and then stepped back to let Dave and Joanne handle it. A handful of e-mail were exchanged (they were interwoven into the narrative) and the Between Time visit of Kayla, Moorkoth, and Annora with Risisin was resolved. (Note that normally such Between Time information remains private correspondence. In this case Mike thought the exchange was cool enough to warrant distributing it.) Narrative resolutions are rare due to their time involved, but can be quite cool. More common are simple question and answer exchanges.
    Narrative Between Time resolutions are also easier for the Storyteller if a solid background has been worked up for your character. Some players still have not supplied their Storytellers with full backgrounds. Full backgrounds make it easier for the Storytellers to come up with full and involved plotlines for their characters. If you have not provided your Storyteller with a full background and would like more active plotlines integrated with the game background please talk to your Storyteller about what they need from you.
    What exactly is allowed in a Between Time? If the character is Employed or Committed (or similar Advantage/Disadvantage) and doesn’t take the penalty associated with failing to honor the Advantage/Disadvantage, very little. Limited questions or correspondence is possible, but nothing time consuming, as the character has other responsibilities. This is not to say that the Advantage/Disadvantage that ties the character down Between Times will not in and of itself produce plotline, subplots, or stories, it will and should. The character just doesn’t normally have time for much else.
    Characters who do not have their Between Time tied down can do a lot more. Visits with NPCs or Important Places is common, be it simply for color or with some game purpose. The normal skill-related tasks are always permitted (craftsman, fencing, incantation, enchanting, alchemy, etc.), but players should feel free to get a little adventuresome. Got a bone to pick with a noble? Send him a letter or give him a visit. Always wanted to see the Cathedral in Argoth? Drop by and see if they let you in.
    But, in all cases, follow your Storyteller’s lead. If you throw too much the Storyteller’s way they may not be able to do much at all. Think about what your character really wants, stay focused on that, and see what the Storyteller can do for you. If nothing else, you and he will be creating more information and background that someday might show up In Session, like it or not.

“Sir Swifty Faces Temptation”
By Robin Goodfellow

In the latest installment of the Sir Swifty saga, performed recently at the Courtyard Theater in Zurek, Sir Swifty and Kithkeerianonin, a High Elf Blademaster, work side by side to liberate a people held in captivity by a horrid demon. While this comedy – by Loremaster Robin Goodfellow – was used to open before a serious drama, “The Death of Sir Marrik,” the comedy itself has achieved a good deal more fame than the more popularly billed Drama.
    The drama tells of a knight in the service of King Blacksteel who is haunted by a lie. In the beginning of the play we see that he has allied himself to prurient political forces working against the crown, justifying it to himself as “politics.” When he meets the King in an opulently staged scene in Act II, and the Highlord shows him unsurpassed kindness, he begins to realize that he may have done something wrong. In a rather impassioned speech of self-doubt, he confides his worries to one of his conspirators. The conspirator runs down King Blacksteel as a flawed man like any, guilty of all the sins like any other. In the only really notable scene in this otherwise rather maudlin play, Marrik recites the seven deadly sins and explains how Blacksteel is guilty of none:
    As any other man? This worthy king who adorns his crown where others are merely adorned by theirs? This great and booming voice that calls out to the land? This mighty hand that holds close what was once sundered? Any other man – guilty of any sin you might reckon? So you say…But I am a fool, you see, an I do not ally myself with your common wisdoms. I see no sin that sits heavily on that great man’s head lest it be the sin of passion. If you tell me he is loud, that he demands where others ask – aye, that I will agree. But he also gives…and he has given to me.
    What sin, then, would you say is the Kings? Would you call him a greedy man? Is it a greedy man who wears the crown gained in conflict with another and makes that other his own heir? Is it greed that makes a man embrace another – one who others might account his enemy – and call him his own blood? Aye, if that be greed, were that we were all so greedy. Is it gluttony that makes out King a base man like you or I? Does the glutton put food on the tables of his subjects? Does the glutton’s rule make a land prosperous? Or does a glutton gobble up everything, take an excess of everything, gorge himself when others are hungry? That is a glutton, sir…but there is food on the table, and the land is well fed. This glutton king, as you would call him, has shown charity to all.
Is it vanity that makes our King as unworthy as you or I? Truly, a vain man would rename his kingdom after his family, would he not? A vain man would have his likeness erected in every town square from Vathos to Argoth. I see no statues in this square…and I still live in Kaleth. Truly, sir, I would speak of House Blacksteel as the new line of our Kings, and none would know of what I spoke, for our “vain” King has not even done so much as to declare the crown bear his name henceforth.

The monologue continues, countering examples of wrath, lust, envy, Marrik getting angrier and angrier as he does so, and ending with pride:
    Ahhh….I know what sin it is you speak of. For truly, it is the sin that lays each of us low, even the most lofty of us. You would account our King guilty of Pride – the same pride that makes you malign such a noble man. I ask you, you witless, toothless fob, is it a proud man that take a crown for himself, that becomes a king, and relinquishes that rule in five years? Is that what you reckon pride, you wretch? For to me, it seems that a man who unites a land and gives it over unto his heir in five years when his work his done, asking no thanks, erecting no statues, not even declaring the crown be in a House of his name – it seems to me that man is humble in a way that I have never known humility. It seems to me that an unworthy dog like you…or me…could do worse than to die in the name of such a man.

The remainder of the play involves the hero falling in love, swearing himself to duty to the King, being haunted by his secret betrayal, and then, in the end, having to decide between love and duty when he discovers a plot against the King moments before it happens. He decides on duty and dies successfully defending the King. One of the critics wrote, “I have seen this play before, when it was called ‘The Death of Erikus,’ or when it was called ‘An End to Honor,’ or three years ago when it was performed in Vathos under the name ‘Glories Lost.’ Loremaster Goodfellow should remain among the comic and the foolish – where he belongs!”
    Sir Swifty Faces Temptation, on the other hand, has met with a good deal more success. It involves a similar theme as the drama’s monologue as Swifty and Kithkeerianonin must face minions of the horrid demon, each of which represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins seeking to tempt the heroes. In each case, Kithkeerianonin refuses the temptation offered and Sir Swifty accepts it. However, in every case, Swifty manages to be so powerfully capable at the sin in question that the demons fail to have any effect on him. For instance, he eats everything the demon of Gluttony offers him, never tires of the Succubi sent to ruin him by the demon of Lust, and manages to beat the demon of Greed at a game of dice.
    The final showdown comes when the two heroes face the demon of Pride:

Kithkeerianonin (to Swifty): I bid thee attend me, sirrah. We have faced six temptations, the last shall be Pride. Whatever you do, this time – do not accept anything he offers you. You have accepted everything offered, but listen carefully. Pride above all shall destroy thee. Do not accept!
Swifty: Sure.
Kithkeerianonin: What do you mean, sure?
Swifty: Yeah..okay…no accepting. Right. I get it.
Kithkeerianonin: I’m serious, Swifty.
Swifty: Yeah! Okay! I won’t accept…
(Pause. Kithkeerianonin stares at Swifty for a while)
Kithkeerianonin: Alright….Let us go hence and face our doom!
(The two heroes walk further into the labyrinth of despair when a voice booms down from above them)
Demon: Oh, mighty Kithkeerianonin, of whom the legends tell, would you show me your great prowess? For I should love to battle one so great as thee! I challenge thee, oh magnificent Kithkeerianonin to a duel…if you win, you will have whatever you like. I shall free the prisoners, in fact. If I win, I will do nothing to you. I want only to fight you…
Kithkeerianonin: You will free to slaves?
Demon: But of course, great and puissant Kithkeerianonin. Here, I shall show you one…
(A woman, hands bound, runs out onto stage)
Woman: Please, lords! Save us!
(She is pulled back off stage)
Kithkeerianonin: And if I should fail, nothing shall happen?
Demon: Of course…and know you well that I keep my every bargain, Kithkeerianonin.
(There’s a pause as Kithkeerianonin looks torn)
Swifty: I thought you said—
Kithkeerianonin: Know this, demon…that even your gifts revile me. Even your efforts to seem kind shine with your black villainy. No challenge from you will I accept now, or ever, for there is no gift I would win of you. What I shall gain from you, I shall gain with mine own hands and with no aid of yours.
Demon (Sounding disappointed): Very well… (The demon speaks now as if he’s doing something he really would rather not): Swifty? Will you accept?
(Swifty winks to Kithkeerianonin and steps forward grandly, speaking loudly and making a proud proclamation)
Swifty: I do not accept. Kithkeerianonin kicks ass, and if he’s not gonna fight you, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna do it. I mean, I’m no idiot! I don’t wanna get killed, and if Kithkeerianonin here is too chicken to try go one-on-one here, you must be a serious badass!
(The Demon laughs and Kithkeerianonin puts his head in his hands)
Swifty (noticing Kithkeerianonin): What, did I say something wrong…uh..Oh! It’s a trick! You were telling me not to challenge him because you wanted me to! I get it! I get it!!! (Looking back up) Okay, Demon! I challenge you!
Demon (sounding as if he was about to leave and has just come back): You…uh…what?
Kithkeerianonin (looks up): You what?
Swifty: Yeah! I challenge you, Demon!
Demon: (Sounding amused) Very well…what are your terms?
Swifty: My what?
Demon: What are you challenging me for?
Swifty: Well, I just want to challenge you…I mean, I guess I did the wrong thing by saying I was afraid to…so, I guess I want to get you back and do the right thing?
Demon: So, you challenge me in the name of Pride?
Swifty (smiling): Well, no one’s perfect.
(Kithkeerianonin weeps)
Demon (sounding all mischievous): Very well…Challenge me in the name of Pride and I will accept.
Swifty (No longer noticing Kithkeerianonin, steps forward): Alright, Demon! I challenge you in the name of Pride!
Demon (you can hear him wiggling his eyebrows): If you desire a challenge for Pride, you shall have it!
(A dummy descends from the flies of the theater dressed like the woman slave who came out earlier. It dangles in front of Swifty)
Swifty: What ho! En Guarde!
(Swifty gets out his blade and cuts the dummy in half. Pause. Then we hear the Demon laugh.)
Demon (clearly very pleased): Ahhh…Congratulations, Swifty. You have proven that you have greater pride than even I!!!
Swifty (looks up): That’s right, Demon! I kicked your ass!
Demon (Perplexed): But…you see…
Swifty (starts strutting around, doing an impression voice): Oh, look at me! I’m a big tough Demon! Nobody can beat me! Well, I did, Demon! I kicked you butt! Sir Swifty! Me! I won! I won, I won, I won!!!
(Stunned silence as Kithkeerianonin just stares at Swifty)
Demon (at a loss for words): Oh, Swifty.

As the play continues, the two heroes, having bested all the demons end up defeating their Master (Swifty manages to impale the Demon on the sword of a golden statue he’s in the middle of taking). They free the slaves. Kithkeerianonin heads off to the West and Swifty buys all the newly freed slaves a beer.


The following was taken from an Email conversation between David and Joanne about an expedition undertaken by Kayla and several companions to visit Risisin after the last session. It was not written as a story so if it doesn’t read like one you will know why. Most of you aren’t privy to the events that are described in this exchange but because of the nature of the encounter I don’t think letting you read it will hurt anything. Present are the Gatekeeper Risisin, Moorkoth (former Champion of the Legion of the Damned), Annora (Priestess of Dain), and Kayla, recently rescued from Cormorand.)
    Moorkoth leads you north from Cormorand to the very north shores of Kaleth within the Duchy of Zurek. There you began to climb through the forest and up the rugged high hills where Risisin is staying. Shortly into the second day approaching the hill, you are hailed from higher on the path by a familiar voice. Looking up, you see Risisin, making his way fairly quickly between the rocks. A short walk later you come face to face.
    Those of you who have not seen Risisin Oreth may have heard about the Gatekeeper's strange manners, the white balm he uses to blanch his skin the large black scarab that covers one eye or the lines of blue that descend on his cheek. You might also have heard of great portals to strange and wonderful adventurers opening at his command. While this well prepares you to meet the tall, strangely attired man, it does little to account for the friendly smile and the notable excitement that fills him when he sees Moorkoth leading Kayla. Quickly, his humor is dampened, however, as he notes the approaching nightfall. Brief introductions are in order, and then a careful trek the rest of the way up the high, steep hill to Fallow Spire, infamous tower of Magister Zayven and the current residence of the gatekeeper.
    Risisin welcomes you each to Fallow Spire, and to what hospitality he can give. He moves you quickly through the entryway and into the audience chamber. Perhaps odd, many of the furnishings are covered with white sheets. Couches, wall hangings that might be portraits or tapestries, objects which may be bookshelves or wardrobes, all are covered, giving the appearance that the house is hardly lived in, or that it is being moved or prepared for painting. The rugs are lush and well cleaned, and the floor clear of dust. Only several lamps, already lit despite the remaining light of day, the large red throne and three rather mundane looking couches and the endtables remain in plain site. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," Risisin invites, seating himself on the throne, and motioning you each to a couch. Whether you sit or choose to remain standing, Risisin makes no additional comment.
    We enter into Zyaven's home and are lead into a study. The walls are lined with bookcases holding scrolls, books and strange objects one can only imagine the purpose of. A flask of warm mead is brought to each of us and we settle around a blazing fire in the hearth. Kayla stares into the fire for a long time, finally speaking:
    "I went down the well. First I was attacked by rats. I took care of them. Then by a tall gaunt, long limbed eyeless manlike thing. He was tougher, but I took care of him, too. Then I had to walk thru a hall of darkness - and nightmares." She stops for a moment, shivering, and begins again.
    "Finally I found myself in front of a young boy, or so it seemed. He looked straight at me with the saddest eyes of ever seen. Don't ask me how, but I knew it was Sedrickson, the 4th companion of Cormorand. "I'm sorry", was all he said. I lifted my arm to strike him with Heller's crescent battle-axe, when suddenly it was gone. So was my armor, possessions, everything gone! And I found myself in a metal cage with no door. Mocking laughter filled the air. "Welcome to the game. What a fine addition you will make", the voice said. That was my introduction to the Arch Fiend of Corruption."
    "He told me how we had failed to find everything to break the curse of Cormorand and how he had become alerted to our presence in time to stop me from destroying one of his "finest acquisitions". I knew he was speaking of Sedrickson. " Your arrival presents me with new opportunities to explore." Sedrickson hung his head and disappeared. And then silence. Long, endless silence. That is until the screaming began. Tortured cries, pleas for mercy from poor unfortunate souls caught in the nightmare of this place. On and on it went until I thought I too, would go mad. I lost all track of time - weeks, maybe months passed. And just as I was about to give up hope I heard I familiar voice calling my name. It was your voice", she says looking at Risisin.
"My cage was open, and there you stood with Rhys, Moorkoth, Kobar and Kedrick.
    Come quickly you said, and I followed stumbling in the darkness, battling our way through deadly creatures as I have never seen. And finally, near exhaustion, we reached the well. I was about to ascend the ladder when suddenly I was back in my cage. "What a marvelous amusement," crooned Corruption. "Much better than I expected. But there won't be any rescue party. You see, they think they've won. They have no reason to look for you. Especially since the other has taken your place." That's how I learned of the automaton sent in my image to corrupt you. And I realized that all of this had been a cruel test of my will. I despaired. "Join me and this unpleasantness will end", he offered. "No", I replied. I figured he'd just kill me and be done with it. "I can wait", he laughed. Then the screaming returned. And I wept."
    "Sedrickson came to see me a few times when Corruption's attention was elsewhere. He told me bits and pieces of the automaton's activities. Something about some young girl who was suppose to be fed to a dragon committing suicide - I think I met her once. Wasn't she at the Ram's Head? And of whirlwinds in the desert. Mostly he talked of himself. I think he wanted someone, anyone, to here his story. Not that he would be forgiven, but just so the truth would be known. And because it was what had led me here in the first place."
    "The Four Companion's - those great hero's of legend - had once called Cormorand home. Three decided to retire. Sedrickson was still young and unwilling to give up his life of adventure, so he set out on his own. A disastrous decision. For the day came when he found himself up against Corruption himself. But instead of the battle he expected he was faced with a terrible decision. Corruption revealed that he had spent a great deal of time amassing a power that would lay waste to half the continent of Kaleth. But given Corruption's love of sport he was willing to forego this plan if Sedrickson would agree to become one of Corruption's minions. After all, what a prize a hero would be! There was only one catch. One town would have to be destroyed. And Sedrickson would have to choose it. Faced with this terrible decision and feeling betrayed by his former companions he accepted Corruption's offer. And the town chosen was Cormorand. He had such a look of defeat in his eyes, as if all the life was sucked out of him. I didn't know whether to pity or revile him. I still don't. I can only tell you that I was determined not to suffer his fate."
Kayla falls silent for a while, continuing to stare into the fire.
    "Do any of you know anything about dwarves? I mean, really know anything about dwarves? Well Xath gave them a depth of stubbornness you can't even begin to imagine. At Khazad Kith, where I spent most of my childhood, there were two armorers known for the exceptional fine quality of their work - Dwalyn and Kadek. Every time one of them was commissioned for a weapon or armor the other one felt compelled to comment on every step of the process. If Dwalyn was convinced a decorative swirl should end pointing right Kadek would argue that the left was far superior. Every detail was argued over, sometimes, actually often, and quite heatedly!
    We all knew to steer clear when these arguments erupted, but you could hear them echoing through the keep. And if Dwalyn, after days of arguing, finally agreed with placing that swirl to the left inevitably Kadek would come back the next day and claim the right really was better after all, and so it started all over again. On and on it went, day after day, until the item was finally finished and put on display. It always turned out magnificently. And they would pat themselves on the back and congratulate each other on the fine work. That is until the next commission when it started all over again."
    "I tell you this because certain lessons where ingrained in me by my father and the dwarves. Tempered steel, placed in fire again and again, strengthens it. Believe in yourself. Be strong. Bring the clan honor. I guess I should add to the list be as stubborn as all hell. Well I had no weapons, and getting into this mess hardly brought the clan honor, but I could still challenge myself to be as stubborn as Dwalyn and Kadek. They would be proud - if they ever knew. So stubbornness became the new guiding force in my life. I did what I could be keep fit in that cell, rationed my food, which came irregularly, and replayed those arguments in my head, over, and over, and over......"
    Kayla speaks again, after a long silence. "One day I could feel that something had changed - more activity in these depths of hell. A feeling of anticipation. I believed it was one of Corruption's games to wear me and the others down. To destroy our spirits. Then I heard a roar, like a ball of fire, and screams of agony. Finally all went silent. And I found myself with you and the others (she looks at Kobar). It wasn't until you told me the story of the tournament that I knew it really was you...
    I expected treachery from Corrruption, but you seemed to have beaten him at his own game. The only thing you can count on is that if he makes a bargain he will keep it.
    When you took me back to the camp I saw many faces. Some I knew well; others, total strangers. I cannot know the motivations of all who took such a great risk of returning to Cormorand. Wealth? To strike a blow at evil? To make a name for themselves? Adventure? Kobar tells me many returned to find me, a lost comrade. I am humbled by this. There are no words..."
Kayla's eyes well up with tears. She turns away for a few moments, then continues.
    "I am grateful. It is nothing short of a miracle that no one lost their life. Frankly, I'm glad I don't have to live with THAT guilt. Kobar tells me that some think me a hero. That's nonsense! You deserve the truth. The day I stepped into that druid's grove it was see if I could lay my hands on that battleaxe I heard that hermit was going to give away. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. When all that talk started about the "hero walking the lonely path" I figured I was in over my head. That's why I tried to give it to Rhys - he's the hero type. I'm just trying to make a living. But apparently that hermit thought it was worth giving it to me. So I took it. The next thing I know I'm being sent off to kill the big, bad evil guy to end the curse. Look, I considered my options. But I had accepted the axe and this was the price to pay. It was a matter of honor. Besides, you saw what had happened to that town. Did any of you read the merchant's diary? The story he told of how murder and suicide filled the streets. How folks barricaded themselves in their homes and temples trapped by Corruption's creatures, praying for the companion's to save them, in vain, for the heroes had already fallen. Awaiting death. It doesn't take a scholar to figure out some things in life are just plain wrong and shouldn't be let loose on people. And it doesn't take a hero to try to put a stop to this. So I went down the well."
    "But enough of my story. I bring you this warning. We have not seen the last of the Arch Fiend. We have his attention. He will wait quietly, for a while, plotting his next move. His goal is not death, although he will not count that out. It is corruption; taint. We beat him at his game. He will want a rematch. And the stakes will be high. We must be prepared."
    "As for me. I will come the Ram's Head. And if those who risked their lives to free me are in need I will be there. It is a matter of Honor."
    Kayla completes her story, but Risisin barely moves, breathing slow but heavy, he continues to watch Kalya intently for a moment. Finally, gathering himself, he slowly stands and steps down from the low pedestal on which the throne sits.
    "Thank you Kayla. Thank you for taking the Ax and doing what honor demanded in accepting it. Thank you for going down into that hell..." He stops, words caught in his throat for a moment. He takes in another slow, deep breath and continues, "Thank you for coming here to relay what you have experiences, painful as it must be. But most of all - thank you for your strength. Your physical power is known in tales... but your power of spirit has been tested with the Earth's deepest fire, and has not shattered or melted in it."


As everyone is aware, work on the new set of rules continues. The “real world” intruded again (as it tends to do) and has kept the manuscript from being completed.
    Until it is, here is another peak at the work in progress. These Advantages are yet “official” so don’t go buying them until your Storyteller says its OK.

6 pts
Prerequisite: Wound Capacity 6 or better

Any time a character with this Advantage is healed of 1 or more wounds, he recovers an extra Wound. This works with spells, miracles and potions (a Healing Touch spell will heal 3 Wounds and a Healing Potion will heal 2). Fast Healing is particularly effective when combined with the Cure spell (the healer doesn’t have to make a Casting Test and your character recovers 2 Wounds).

8 or 12 pts
Prerequisites: Great Strength and a Wound Capacity of 6 orbetter

The first time a character with this Advantage would be wounded in a battle, he takes no damage from the attack. This has no effect on spell attacks- only weapon or unarmed attacks.
    For 8 points, Fortitude only works when the character is unarmored (think Conan). For 12 points it will work no matter what armor your character is wearing.

by the Loremaster Uthrik Bhator

In recent years I have been asked to answer many questions on the topic of religion. With the recent rise of the Panthiest cults, many individuals who were formerly devout of faith have begun to question the beliefs they have held dear for so long. All of these troubled souls approach me with the same question - which religion is right? Now being an authority on theology, the question of whether there is a right or wrong religion is one I could debate for many lifetimes. The common practitioner of religion, however, has neither the patience nor the mindfulness for such academic prattle. As a result, I am left to make use of much cruder means.
    As has been proven by the outrageous antics of bards such as Fellerie and Robin Goodfellow, stories are a medium accessible to the largest common denominator. As such, I think of stories as a particularly fine way to make my points. The gods have obviously chosen to share my point of view for they have made stories, and more specifically parables, a key element of all their holy books. I therefore find it most productive to present a key parable from each of the major religions that I believe exemplifies the major tenants of the three belief systems. I present these three parables here for you to read. Perhaps when you're done, you can answer that pesky question which plagues me so for yourself.

When the world was young, Korin, son of Jokobin, made his home in the vale of Hallal. But the rivers were dry and so there was no water. And the land was hard so there was no grain. So Korin looked to Dain, and he prayed unto the father, and he offered up his love in return for strength. And so the vale of Hallal was blessed of Dain: Where once there was thirst, Dain's tears brought water Where once there was hunger, Dain's hands delivered wheat And in return Dain asked for nothing but Love. For a time, Korin remembered his promise. He praised Dain in word and deed. But as his belly grew full, his prayers grew empty. And so it was that Dain hands took away the water, And Dain's tears washed away the grain. Once again Korin prayed to Dain and offered his love in return for strength. And though Dain was angry, he was also forgiving Dain's tears rained down upon Korin and his laziness was washed away Dain's hand touched Korin's And his arms grew strong With these gifts, Korin tilled the hard, dry land And gave thanks to Dain.

There once was a hunter named Celephas, a wolf kin of the sacred oak. She travelled where her pack roamed and took what she needed to surivive. Though she was a famed hunter in her prime, she was not always so. And this is the tale of her time of learning. When Celepahs was a cub, the master hunter took her into the woods. Armed with spear in hand, she set forth to make her first kill. Celephas came upon a defenseless baby rabbit in the woods. As she prepared to stike, the master hunter deflected her blow. "Do not strike the cub," he said, "for it bears in its loins the prey of tomorrow." The next day, the master hunter took Celehas into the woods again. This time she came upon a young buck. Remembering the words of her master, however, she hesitated before striking and the buck turned upon her. It would have killed Celephas had the master hunter not killed it first. "Do not hesitate in the face of adversity," he said, "for nature is unforgiving." On the third day, Celephas was taken to the wood one final time. This time she came across a dead bear that lay before a tree. As she bent to pick up the caracass, the master hunter stopped her. "We do not feed off the prey of others for all in nature deserve to have their fill". These were the lessons of Celephas.

There once was a young lady named Amberlin. Her beauty was renown throughout the land as was her proud nature. Though she had many suitors, she turned them all away for she felt none were worthy. Many craftsman and bards made her the subject of their works. Although many famous pieces bore her visage, however, she was not Satisfied. Amberlin believed that her beauty was so great that she deserved to be the subject of the god's workings. One day, Cristal heard the girl's proud words and appeared before her. "If you wish to be the subject of a god's craft than so be it. You beauty is indeed great, but beauty is transient and all good things must pass. And though your visage is warm, your heart is as cold as mine would be had I been gifted with one. So shall I craft a masterpiece of that you have provided." With these words, Cristal transformed Amberlin into a wondrous ice sculpture. Those who saw here in the hours before she melted remember her still - glorious but cold.


The Church of Dain has announced new offices at the heads of two orders:
    The Order of Crusaders now has a Crusader General whose official title is "The Archon." Crusader of the Fourth Star Alexandre Ormond has been named Archon. His name with title is Archon Ormond, written in full as Alexandre Archon Ormond. He is to be addressed as "Lord Archon."
    The Order of Lightbearers now has a Supreme Lightbringer whose official title is "Radiant Father" or "Radiant Mother." Justicar Arion Meritson has been named Radiant Father. His name with title is Radiant Father Arion, written in full as Radiant Father Arion Meritson. He is to be addressed as "Most Illuminated Excellency."

THE NEXT SESSION (June 12th, Champaign IL)

Odds are you are once again reading the current Chronicle at the “next game” as noted above. Session 15 truly takes the game “on the road”, not only with it taking place in Champaign but with its structure as well. Extra special thanks to Aaron Loeb and Dave Simkins for the time and effort they’ve put in on all fronts to make this Session stand out.
    The July Session, Session 16, will take place on July 18th in Geneva IL at the residence of Tom Dowd and Lori Ralston. For those who do not know, Geneva IL is directly north of the Aurora IL home of Kurt and Vicki Martin where many games have been held and is about the same distance away. Directions are as follows:
    Proceed WEST on I88 to the FARNSWORTH ROAD/KIRK ROAD exit. (This is one exit before the one taken for Kurt and Vicki’s.)
    Proceed NORTH by turning RIGHT at the end of the ramp ($0.30 toll please…)
    Proceed NORTH for seven or eight lights until you reach Route 38. (Roadmarks— You will pass an Ice Rink, then the Kane County Cougars stadium on the left, then drive across a bridge over a set of railroad tracks and then reach Route 38 which has a Shell Station on the far left corner. Turn LEFT.
    Proceed into Geneva , cross the FOX RIVER, and TURN RIGHT onto FIFTH STREET (there is a Shell Station on the far corner)..
    Proceed down Fifth Street to FORD Street. TURN LEFT.
    515 Ford Street is the first house on the right. Please park on the street and enter through the front door.
    Set up begins at 11 AM. Our phone number is (630)-208-9404 and I can be reached via e-mail at

Session 15 takes place at the Summer Festival in Evangar. It is a Court Event to be attended by Duke Montrose and the cream of Evangar nobility. This is not an appearance of the Ram’s Head Tavern, but gathering of a different kind. All are promised “safe passage” and “hospitality” (Pantheists and Zurek Nobles Welcome!) but talk to your Storyteller if you feel your character’s presence “inappropriate”.

This edition of the Gateway Chronicle was created by:

From The Black Desk—Mike Nystul
State of the Union—Dave Simkins
A Work In Progress—Mike Nystul (with Dan Grendel)
“Sir Swift Faces Temptation”—Aaron Loeb
“Three Parables”—Chad Brinkley
“Kayla’s Journey”—Joanne Cisweski and Dave Simkins
Rumor Mill—Chad Brinkley, Tom Dowd, Aaron Loeb, Mike Nystul, Dave Simkins, and Doug Tabb,
Layout, Production, and additional writing: Tom Dowd

The Gateway Chronicles Staff

Primarch: Mike Nystul (
Game Coordinator:
Dawn Nystul (
Aaron Loeb (
Dan Grendel (
Tom Dowd (

Chad Brinkley
Tom Dowd (
Aaron Loeb (
Dave Simkins (
Doug Tabb (

Gateway Chronicles © 1998 Alex Grey (the artist formerly known as Mike Nystul)